Making new best friends since 1999.
Bring home a new happy and healthy family member!
Our Available Pets
Monetary or any animal-related item donations are always needed and greatly appreciated!
Frequently needed items include:
• Flea and Tick medications • Crates and Kennels
• Heartworm medications • Dog collars and leashes
• Dog and Puppy food • Cat and Kitten food
• Pet beds • Blankets and Towels
• Treats • Toys
All donations, both monetary and material, will receive a receipt for the value of the donation. Keep the receipt to file with your taxes, as any donation to Molly's Militia is tax deductible!
We need new fosters and volunteers!
If you can help us by fostering a dog or cat, please let us know. Right now, getting new foster homes is our biggest and most urgent need.
Can’t foster? We also need volunteers to help us at our PetSmart adoptions in North Augusta.
If you can help in any way, it would be greatly appreciated! We will take all the help we can get!